Women, reclaim your Power.
Take your Soul on a Sedona Soul Retreat!
Step back from rehashing old news; withdraw from anything that is disagreeable, difficult and even disastrous to your emotional well-being.
Launch YOUR personal refuge jam-packed with rejuvenating innovative thoughts and actions. Learn to shield your soul balance and your innate knowing from reoccurring bad habits.
Take yourself on a new path since the old one didn’t turn out to be what you desired, right?
‘Give Your Soul a Gift’. Have you ever taken a Sightseeing Tour of Your Soul? No? Well, it’s time you do.
Women, you are needed at home, in the community, in politics and by other women. I need you to prioritize your emotional well-being and become the power-house you are by nature. You need to withdraw into a Spiritual Journey to Self-Awareness- step into my 3-DAY SEDONA SOUL RETREAT.

I am here for you, Anke