Whatever you’re struggling with, I’m here to help you feel better about your Self, guide you on YOUR enlightened path, and assist you in achieving your goals.
Grandmother (79) Turns Her Own Horrendous WWII Experiences into Action – Creates Pioneering Kids’ Program Countering Deprivation of Emotional Well-Being – Instilling Love, Mindfulness, And Respect in Children’s Self & Soul …
The Memory of Kindness Through the Art of Music During Her Own Dark School Days, Helped This Grandmother to Create a Groundbreaking Method for Forward-Thinking Parents to Remain Calm and In Control During Their Kids’ Pandemic- Influenced Rebellious Times.
From Atlanta to India, and from Boston to SouthAfrica- Anke’s TOLEY RANZ program is hailed by Parents & Teachers alike around the globe!
Anke Otto-Wolf, creator of Sedona Soul Balance & Toley Ranz Program, has been featured world-wide and nationally in powerful press coverage in the Minneapolis News, or read from the Chicago News Tribune
March 2021- with host Brad Perry live on AZTV7 Phoeniz, AZ, featuring award-winning author/creator of Toley Ranz, Anke Otto-Wolf
Click the image (left) for episodes from January, March and April 2021
… and don’t miss our google collage Toley, Brad Perry, Anke at work!
Sedona Soul Balance
Information, tips, reports, and HOW TO improve one’s life; especially Parents and Grandparents will find the features about Self-Care, Self-Assurance, Self-Love/Respect, and most of all: What to do NOT to fly off the Handle, or to experience a Burn-out.
Number ONe: SELF-Care
Number Two: Get Help from Anke and Toley Ranz
Toley Ranz, the awesome Mascot of Tolerance
Parents and Grandparents- this is truly for You! How many times are you asking for help? Or you’re wondering when ‘this’ could finally change? and how many times you wished to find a solution so you could ‘reach’ your kids?
Here it is: the Toley Ranz program- treat yourself and click here for info
Anke’s PODCAST with updates, soul balance information,how to help parents, and more powerful information to survive challenging times
We offer a variety of coaching services to help you move past the obstacles in your life. Together we identify your personal values, your innate strengths, and abilities in support of your personal and professional growth and goals. Contact me to see how I can help you develop different perspectives and achieve the outcomes you’re striving for.
Tools For Parents & Grandparents to Ease Challenges Raising Kids