Sedona Soul Retreat for YOUR Soul Energy

Visit Sedona for a 3-Day Sedona Soul Retreat!

Reclaim YOUR Power! No more “MeToo”!

WHY does YOUR soul need a retreat?

The simple answer is: replenish your energy, regroup your skills and attitudes to reclaim your YOU!

Whether you work in an executive position or struggle with the daily challenges of self-employment, your soul needs a reprieve from stress and negative influences. Teachers and Parents- it’s your time to strengthen YOUR energy to face the challenges. I am here for you.

Imagine that only three days of complete concentration on Self can manifest ‘spiritual tools’ that allow you to open up your innate wisdom, and lets you deal with ditching guilt, blame and shame. Stand up for your Self.

Wrapped in the high frequencies of your own energy, you learn to reduce self-induced stress, reclaim your power in relationships, and live in YOUR truth. Recognizing your innate power and talents, opening up to your own amazing SELF is the magical, essential answer.


Let Anke Buffalo Feather take you to Your energy healing with most profound resolve (click and read 5-star reviews only atTripAdvisor).

Learn more about how you can plan and schedule your Sedona Soul Retreat NOW.